Happy Women’s History Month

We can celebrate:

  • 47 of the companies in the S&P 500 have a female CEO, up from 41 last year.

  • Women make up 32% of S&P 500 corporate boards, up from 23% five years ago.

  • 31% of chief executives in the U.S. are women, up from 27% five years ago.

And we can still recognize there is work to be done.

Women leaders make organizations better, through…

  1. Stronger leadership: Women consistently score higher than men in most leadership skills.

  2. Higher value: Companies with female CEOs and CFOs produce superior stock price performance compared to the market average.

  3. More growth: Female leaders are more inclined to seek honest feedback from others and are less disappointed by that feedback than are their male counterparts.

Women leaders make organizations better.

Happy Women’s History Month!

Tony Anticole

Principal & Founder of Varna Group. My focus is the intersection of leadership and the science of motivation.


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