Getting unstuck
I finally made an appointment for a nagging and ever-growing shoulder pain. I thought the pain was limiting my motion, until the physical therapist completely reframed my thinking:
“The pain isn't causing the lack of movement. The lack of movement is causing the pain.”
What happens when our teams get stuck? When ideas are bottled up, voices silenced, and fear of failure outweighs the thrill of trying, stagnation sets in.
The cure? Movement. Forward motion.
Create an environment where learning, exploration, and idea-sharing flourish. Welcome the clash of opinions and celebrate the courage to try, even if it means failing.
Ask questions to help your people see an opening to move forward:
“What would success look like in this situation?”
“What stopping you from taking a next step?”
“Who might have a valuable perspective?”
Re-introducing movement after a long stagnation can be uncomfortable. The new shoulder stretches? They hurt.
But gradually, the pain lessened, muscles awakened, and mobility returned.
Embrace discomfort. Celebrate small wins. Keep pushing, nudging, and asking questions.
Because it’s often the uncomfortable stretches
That lead to the breakthrough.