Varna Group’s Flagship Program

From Manager
to Motivator

Equip your managers with the knowledge and tools
needed to create highly engaged employees.

Unlock the power within your people.

Our From Manager to Motivator® program couples best practice research with the science of motivation to equip your managers with the knowledge and tools to create highly engaged employees.

Three ways to create change

Dive deeper into how to transform your culture.

Step 1: Assess your managers on their ability to engage your people

Our proprietary M.A.P. Manager Assessment helps you better understand the strengths and weaknesses of your managers’ capabilities to engage and retain your people.

We score your managers on best practice behaviors across three critical dimensions – coach, manager, and leader - so you can plan with speed and confidence. You will receive a 15-page custom report identifying the highest priority development area to increase engagement and retention.

Step 2: Equip your managers to drive higher engagement

The science is clear: when managers foster their people’s internal motivators, a profound change occurs. Engagement spikes. Average performers become high performers. Innovation grows. Attrition drops.

Our flagship From Manager to Motivator® program provides your managers the knowledge and practical tools to coach, manage, and lead in a way that taps internal motivators to unlock the full potential of your people.

The program is available in virtual and in-person formats and is always led by master facilitators.

Step 3: Provide your managers ongoing coaching and support

Change only comes from sustained momentum: 40% of the reasons training programs fail is due to lack of support, coaching, and tools after the learning experience.

Our combination of instructor-led group coaching sessions, peer coaching cohorts, and online resource center provide your managers with the support, accountability, and resources they need to change.

Schedule your discovery call today.

Equip your managers to harness the science of motivation and unlock the full potential within your people.

From Manager to Motivator for Individuals

Self-led Experience - Bite-sized Videos - Weekly Challenges